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Løpe helped DSB to improve an application process using Design Sprints


Løpe did a Design Sprint with DSB to help them improve a manual application process by helping them build and test a digital prototype of the process.


During the sprint we focused on the process foreigners have to go through to apply for approval of previous work experience from abroad. We ended the sprint with 5 online user interviews with tests of the new process. The team learned about what a potential solution to the application problem can look like. They also want to integrate Design Sprint as a part of their organisation.


Løpe helped Sparebank 1 Insurance design and test a digital prototype in 4 days


Løpe did a Design Sprint with Sparebank 1 Insurance to help a diverse team align around a new product-direction.


During the 4 day long sprint the team came up with a lot of great ideas and built a realistic digital prototype. The prototype was tested on 5 users and the feedback gave insight into where to go next.           

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"Løpe is the best Design Sprint partner we can imagine. Viljar pushed us to move quickly and work together efficiently. The sprint definitely increased our team spirit and helped us understand where to go next." 

- Stine Bakke-Haugseth, Leader for Spinn, SpareBank 1

Kickstarting a new digital product for a leading Norwegian innovation media house.

Shifter is the dominant media house on startups and the new economy in Norway. When they wanted to develop a new digital product, they contacted Løpe to do a Design Sprint. 

Together we did a Design Sprint 2.0 @ Mesh in Oslo. In 4 days we prototyped and tested a digital prototype with 5 real users. 

Florian Winder

"We were very happy with having Løpe facilitate our design sprint. Our greatest benefit was the team being aligned with our new digital product initiative. Both facilitators were easy going, hard working and very competent."

- Lucas Weldeghebriel, Founder, Shifter
Design Sprint Facilitaton


Helping one of Norway's most promising startups with prototyping a new platform for online tutoring.

Learnlink is a digital platform for private tutoring. They are the market leader in Norway and contacted Løpe because they were looking for expansion into new markets. Namely the online tutoring market. 

In a week-long Design Sprint we built and tested a platform with 5 users.

Design Sprint Facilitaton

Hold App

Helping a rapidly growing productivity app 
get results in 5 days, instead of a month.
Deign Sprint Exection

Hold is a productivity app that helps individuals get things done by getting off their phones. Løpe facilitated a Design Sprint with them with the goal of finding a way to integrate a social aspect to increase the use of the app.


But it was not the prototype and user feedback that was the most valuable takeaway from running a Design Sprint. After the team developed and tested two prototypes with five users and got real data, a change in mindset happened. They realized how fast it really is possible to move and what user-centeredness really means.


In an anonymous study conducted after the design sprint each team member reported:

  • Increased speed in teamwork.

  • Increased focus on the end-user.

  • Increased trust in creative abilities and the creative process.


This change in mindset has enabled Hold to move much faster. Today they know how to get results in 5 days, instead of a month.

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Tryg Insurance

Helping one of Norways largest insurance companies

build and test digital products.

Tryg is the second biggest supplier of general insurance in the Nordic market. Being in a market with strong competition for new insurance customers, Tryg needs to develop new digital products that delight their users. 

Løpe helped Tryg to figure out if a new digital product was worth developing by plugging them into a Design Sprint. They were happy with the result and have requested another Design Sprint from Løpe. 

Håkn Weløy Aarseth

"Running a sprint with Løpe was a good opportunity to onboard the whole project team and to early test our ideas on actual users. We got a lot done in a short period of time. We will definetely do this again!" 

- Margrete Birkeland, Senior Business Developer, Tryg

Design Sprint Facilitaton


More than just a productive and creative week.

Astronaut is a recruitment platform where individuals get paid for connecting friends to jobs. Løpe guided the team through a Design Sprint with the goal of finding a fun, rewarding and personal way to help friends find jobs.


According to Håkon Weløy Aarseth, CEO of Astronaut, the Design Sprint was more than just a productive and creative week. It represented a shift in mindset. In just five days the team:


  • Developed and tested one prototype with five users and got valuable data.

  • Had a shift towards a faster, more human-centered mindset.

  • Learned the innovation tools and techniques used by the best companies in the world.

This shift in mindset has allowed Astronaut to move faster when it comes to developing and testing products that users really want. It also gave a boost of creative energy to the team.

Design Sprint user test
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